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Torque Calibration

Torque Calibrations Capabilities and Standards

Torque is our specialty.  As the leader in industrial bolting tooling, we have the capabilities and know how to not only properly test your equipment but bring it back into factor specifications.  We have made the investment into AKO torque calibration systems for both our shop and in our mobile van for heavy torque tool devices from 500 to 20,000 Ft. Lbs.  We also utilize CDI and Mountz torque transducers from lower torque values into inch pounds.

For rotary torque tooling, we have the necessary run down and reaction fixturing required to achieve an accurate test and simulate how the tooling would function in the field.

All of our torque test equipment complies with 17025-2017 accreditation standards with accurate uncertainty values.

Our Torque Scope Includes:

  • Micrometer style torque wrenches
  • Dial type torque wrenches
  • Torque multipliers
  • Hydraulic
  • Pneumatic
  • Electric
torque calibration services


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