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Grey Pneumatic Sockets

Grey Pneumatic (GP) was founded in 1989 with a vision to meet customer's demands for high quality specialty impact sockets while being able to deliver them every single time a customer needed them. It all began with two unique items to service the tire and wheel industry.

Today GP has grown to manufacture over 4000 impact sockets and related accessories. Through the years GP has innovated the tool industry with its first-to-market products and concepts, innovative packaging, and second to none service level. GP now services a wide range of industries including automotive, industrial, assembly, mining, maintenance, construction, and energy.

We especially love GP Socket's blow molded plastic cases and sockets sets, along with their duo sockets for tight radius socket needs.  These sockets are impact grade while having the same dimensions as a chrome socket.

Grey Pneumatic sockets are available from Russ Industrial Solutions